Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Crisp Sheet of Paper

On a crisp sheet of
I drew me
with my scissors
I clipped out
the aches
the old unhealed
That Piece that always
tries too hard
and the one that never tries . . .
I was gone
~KGM Sept 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020


I sweep the kitchen tiles
As ancient Hope dog
Mostly blind
Dogs my scented shadow's movement
Smelling the day
I've swept into the air

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ancient Terriers

I lay in bed, under the covers
My ancient terrier, Hope
Traverses the mountain ranges
Of my limbs.

She once conquered the barriers.
They were no match
for her agility.
No more.

Each effort to cross even my shins
Results in limb failure
She and I, lack confidence in the muscles and sinew
Unfettered exuberance is a distant fleeting memory

Yet dreams!
You and I, ancient terrier,
We have our dreams
Dreams that find us scaling heights and obstacles galore.

Hope! Come! Join me!
Let us find a way to keep those dreams
Those urges . . . close to our hearts.
We are one, we share, we love, we live.

Saturday, January 25, 2020