Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Saturated limbs,
embracing the sky.
Carpeted, covered, encased,
in thick, lush, sodden, moss.
Flowers of lichen,
catching their rain share.

Then ice rained down
upon our tree town.
Then again.

"Stay strong!"
"Hold on until the sun rises!"
Messages sent
via crown and root.

Crashes, booms, thuds, cracks
Old soldiers uprooted.
Young hybrids, topped,
toppled, sheared, eviscerated,
delimbed, trashed, 

Soon, we'll welcome the Spring
the healing, mending, scarring,
regrowth and rotting.

Then we'll honor and feed,
the survivors,
by burying the dead.

~KGM 03/03/2021

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